Compiler backend
The Concrete backends are implementations of the cryptographic primitives of the Zama variant of TFHE. The compiler emits code which combines call into these backends to perform more complex homomorphic operations.
There are client and server features.
Client features are:
private (G)LWE key generation (currently random bits)
encryption of ciphertexts using a private key
public key generation from private keys for keyswitch, bootstrap or private packing
(de)serialization of ciphertexts and public keys (also needed server side)
Server features are homomorphic operations on ciphertexts:
linear operations (multisums with plain weights)
simple PBS
There are currently 2 backends:
which implements both client and server features targeting the CPU.concrete-cuda
which implements only server features targeting GPUs to accelerate homomorphic circuit evaluation.
The compiler uses concrete-cpu
for the client and can use either concrete-cpu
or concrete-cuda
for the server.
Last updated
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