Bit extraction

Some applications require directly manipulating bits of integers. Concrete provides a bit extraction operation for such applications.

Bit extraction is capable of extracting a slice of bits from an integer. Index 0 corresponds to the lowest significant bit. The cost of this operation is proportional to the highest significant bit index.

from concrete import fhe

@fhe.compiler({"x": "encrypted"})
def f(x):
    return fhe.bits(x)[0], fhe.bits(x)[3]

inputset = range(32)
circuit = f.compile(inputset)

assert circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(0b_00000) == (0, 0)
assert circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(0b_00001) == (1, 0)

assert circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(0b_01100) == (0, 1)
assert circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(0b_01101) == (1, 1)

Slices can be used for indexing fhe.bits(value) as well.

from concrete import fhe

@fhe.compiler({"x": "encrypted"})
def f(x):
    return fhe.bits(x)[1:4]

inputset = range(32)
circuit = f.compile(inputset)

assert circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(0b_01101) == 0b_110
assert circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(0b_01011) == 0b_101

Even slices with negative steps are supported!

from concrete import fhe

@fhe.compiler({"x": "encrypted"})
def f(x):
    return fhe.bits(x)[3:0:-1]

inputset = range(32)
circuit = f.compile(inputset)

assert circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(0b_01101) == 0b_011
assert circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(0b_01011) == 0b_101

Signed integers are supported as well.

from concrete import fhe

@fhe.compiler({"x": "encrypted"})
def f(x):
    return fhe.bits(x)[1:3]

inputset = range(-16, 16)
circuit = f.compile(inputset)

assert circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(-14) == 0b_01  # -14 == 0b_10010 (in two's complement)
assert circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(-12) == 0b_10  # -12 == 0b_10100 (in two's complement)

Lastly, here is a practical use case of bit extraction.

import numpy as np
from concrete import fhe

@fhe.compiler({"x": "encrypted"})
def is_even(x):
    return 1 - fhe.bits(x)[0]

inputset = [
    np.random.randint(-16, 16, size=(5,))
    for _ in range(100)
circuit = is_even.compile(inputset)

sample = np.random.randint(-16, 16, size=(5,))
for value, value_is_even in zip(sample, circuit.encrypt_run_decrypt(sample)):
    print(f"{value} is {'even' if value_is_even else 'odd'}")


13 is odd
0 is even
-15 is odd
2 is even
-6 is even


  • Bits cannot be extracted using a negative index.

    • Which means fhe.bits(x)[-1] or fhe.bits(x)[-4:-1] is not supported for example.

    • The reason for this is that we don't know in advance (i.e., before inputset evaluation) how many bits x has.

      • For example, let's say you have x == 10 == 0b_000...0001010, and you want to do fhe.bits(x)[-1]. If the value is 4-bits (i.e., 0b_1010), the result needs to be 1, but if it's 6-bits (i.e., 0b_001010), the result needs to be 0. Since we don't know the bit-width of x before inputset evaluation, we cannot calculate fhe.bits(x)[-1].

  • When extracting bits using slices in reverse order (i.e., step < 0), the start bit needs to be provided explicitly.

    • Which means fhe.bits(x)[::-1] or fhe.bits(x)[:2:-1] is not supported for example.

    • The reason is the same as above.

  • When extracting bits of signed values using slices, the stop bit needs to be provided explicitly.

    • Which means fhe.bits(x)[1:] or fhe.bits(x)[1::2] is not supported for example.

    • The reason is similar to above.

      • To explain a bit more, signed integers use two's complement representation. In this representation, negative values have their most significant bits set to 1 (e.g., -1 == 0b_11111, -2 == 0b_11110, -3 == 0b_11101). Extracting bits always returns a positive value (e.g., fhe.bits(-1)[1:3] == 0b_11 == 3) This means if you were to do fhe.bits(x)[1:] where x == -1, if x is 4 bits, the result would be 0b_111 == 7, but if x is 5 bits the result would be 0b_1111 == 15. Since we don't know the bit-width of x before inputset evaluation, we cannot calculate fhe.bits(x)[1:].

  • Bits of floats cannot be extracted.

    • Floats are partially supported but extracting their bits is not supported at all.

Performance Considerations

A Chain of Individual Bit Extractions

Key Concept: Extracting a specific bit requires clearing all the preceding lower bits. This involves extracting these previous bits as intermediate values and then subtracting them from the input.


  • Bits are extracted sequentially, starting from the least significant bit to the more significant ones. The cost is proportional to the index of the highest extracted bit plus one.

  • No parallelization is possible. The computation time is proportional to the cost, independent of the number of CPUs.


  • Extracting fhe.bits(x)[4] is approximately five times costlier than extracting fhe.bits(x)[0].

  • Extracting fhe.bits(x)[4] takes around five times more wall clock time than fhe.bits(x)[0].

  • The cost of extracting fhe.bits(x)[0:5] is almost the same as that of fhe.bits(x)[5].

Reuse of Intermediate Extracted Bits

Key Concept: Common sub-expression elimination is applied to intermediate extracted bits.


  • The overall cost for a series of fhe.bits(x)[m:n] calls on the same input x is almost equivalent to the cost of the single most computationally expensive extraction in the series, i.e. fhe.bits(x)[n].

  • The order of extraction in that series does not affect the overall cost.


The combined operation fhe.bit(x)[3] + fhe.bit(x)[2] + fhe.bit(x)[1] has almost the same cost as fhe.bits(x)[3].

TLUs of 1b input precision

Each extracted bit incurs a cost of approximately one TLU of 1-bit input precision. Therefore, fhe.bits(x)[0] is generally faster than any other TLU operation.

Last updated

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