
Concrete analyzes all compiled circuits and calculates some statistics. These statistics can be used to find bottlenecks and compare circuits. Statistics are calculated in terms of basic operations. There are 6 basic operations in Concrete:

  • clear addition: x + y where x is encrypted and y is clear

  • encrypted addition: x + y where both x and y are encrypted

  • clear multiplication: x * y where x is encrypted and y is clear

  • encrypted negation: -x where x is encrypted

  • key switch: building block for table lookups

  • packing key switch: building block for table lookups

  • programmable bootstrapping: building block for table lookups

You can print all statistics using the show_statistics configuration option:

from concrete import fhe

@fhe.compiler({"x": "encrypted"})
def f(x):
    return (x**2) + (2*x) + 4

inputset = range(2**2)
circuit = f.compile(inputset, show_statistics=True)

This code will print:

size_of_secret_keys: 22648
size_of_bootstrap_keys: 51274176
size_of_keyswitch_keys: 64092720
size_of_inputs: 16392
size_of_outputs: 16392
p_error: 9.627450598589458e-06
global_p_error: 9.627450598589458e-06
complexity: 99198195.0
programmable_bootstrap_count: 1
programmable_bootstrap_count_per_parameter: {
    BootstrapKeyParam(polynomial_size=2048, glwe_dimension=1, input_lwe_dimension=781, level=1, base_log=23, variance=9.940977002694397e-32): 1
key_switch_count: 1
key_switch_count_per_parameter: {
    KeyswitchKeyParam(level=5, base_log=3, variance=1.939836732335308e-11): 1
packing_key_switch_count: 0
clear_addition_count: 1
clear_addition_count_per_parameter: {
    LweSecretKeyParam(dimension=2048): 1
encrypted_addition_count: 1
encrypted_addition_count_per_parameter: {
    LweSecretKeyParam(dimension=2048): 1
clear_multiplication_count: 1
clear_multiplication_count_per_parameter: {
    LweSecretKeyParam(dimension=2048): 1
encrypted_negation_count: 0


Circuit analysis also considers tags!

Imagine you have a neural network with 10 layers, each of them tagged. You can easily see the number of additions and multiplications required for matrix multiplications per layer:

clear_multiplication_count_per_tag: {
    /model/model: 53342
    /model/model.0/Gemm: 14720
    /model/model.0/Gemm.matmul: 14720
    /model/model.2/Gemm: 11730
    /model/model.2/Gemm.matmul: 11730
    /model/model.4/Gemm: 9078
    /model/model.4/Gemm.matmul: 9078
    /model/model.6/Gemm: 6764
    /model/model.6/Gemm.matmul: 6764
    /model/model.8/Gemm: 4788
    /model/model.8/Gemm.matmul: 4788
    /model/model.10/Gemm: 3150
    /model/model.10/Gemm.matmul: 3150
    /model/model.12/Gemm: 1850
    /model/model.12/Gemm.matmul: 1850
    /model/model.14/Gemm: 888
    /model/model.14/Gemm.matmul: 888
    /model/model.16/Gemm: 264
    /model/model.16/Gemm.matmul: 264
    /model/model.18/Gemm: 110
    /model/model.18/Gemm.matmul: 110
encrypted_addition_count_per_tag: {
    /model/model: 53342
    /model/model.0/Gemm: 14720
    /model/model.0/Gemm.matmul: 14720
    /model/model.2/Gemm: 11730
    /model/model.2/Gemm.matmul: 11730
    /model/model.4/Gemm: 9078
    /model/model.4/Gemm.matmul: 9078
    /model/model.6/Gemm: 6764
    /model/model.6/Gemm.matmul: 6764
    /model/model.8/Gemm: 4788
    /model/model.8/Gemm.matmul: 4788
    /model/model.10/Gemm: 3150
    /model/model.10/Gemm.matmul: 3150
    /model/model.12/Gemm: 1850
    /model/model.12/Gemm.matmul: 1850
    /model/model.14/Gemm: 888
    /model/model.14/Gemm.matmul: 888
    /model/model.16/Gemm: 264
    /model/model.16/Gemm.matmul: 264
    /model/model.18/Gemm: 110
    /model/model.18/Gemm.matmul: 110

Last updated

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