Hybrid models

This document explains how to use Concrete ML API to deploy hybrid models in Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE).


FHE allows cloud applications to process private user data securely, minimizing the risk of data leaks. Deploying machine learning (ML) models in the cloud offers several advantages:

  • Simplifies model updates.

  • Scales to large user bases by leveraging substantial compute power.

  • Protects model's Intellectual Property (IP) by keeping the model on a trusted server rather than on client devices.

However, not all applications can be easily converted to FHE computation. The high computation cost of FHE might exceed latency requirements for full conversion.

Hybrid models provide a balance between on-device deployment and cloud-based deployment. This approach involves:

  • Executing parts of the model on the client side.

  • Securely processing other parts with FHE on the server side.

Concrete ML supports hybrid deployment for various neural network models, including Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and Large Language Models(LLM).

The hybrid model deployment API simplifies integrating the standard deployment procedure into neural network style models that are compiled with compile_brevitas_qat_model or compile_torch_model.


To use hybrid model deployment, the first step is to define which part of the PyTorch neural network model must be executed in FHE. Ensure the model part is a nn.Module and is identified by its key in the original model's .named_modules().

Here is an example:

import numpy as np
import os
import torch

from pathlib import Path
from torch import nn

from concrete.ml.torch.hybrid_model import HybridFHEModel, tuple_to_underscore_str
from concrete.ml.deployment import FHEModelServer

class FCSmall(nn.Module):
    """Torch model for the tests."""

    def __init__(self, dim):
        self.seq = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(dim, dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(dim, dim))

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.seq(x)

dim = 10
model = FCSmall(dim)
model_name = "FCSmall"
submodule_name = "seq.0"

inputs = torch.Tensor(np.random.uniform(size=(10, dim)))
# Prints ['', 'seq', 'seq.0', 'seq.1', 'seq.2']
print([k for (k, _) in model.named_modules()])

# Create a hybrid model
hybrid_model = HybridFHEModel(model, [submodule_name])

models_dir = Path(os.path.abspath('')) / "compiled_models"
model_dir = models_dir / model_name
hybrid_model.save_and_clear_private_info(model_dir, via_mlir=True)

Server Side Deployment

The save_and_clear_private_info functions as follows:

  • Serializes the FHE circuits for the model parts chosen to be server-side.

  • Saves the client-side model, removing the weights of the layers transferred to the server.

  • Saves all necessary information required to serve these sub-models with FHE using the FHEModelDev class.

To create a server application that serves these sub-models, use the FHEModelServer class:

input_shape_subdir = tuple_to_underscore_str( (1,) + inputs.shape[1:] )
MODULES = { model_name: { submodule_name: {"path":  model_dir / submodule_name / input_shape_subdir }}}
server =  FHEModelServer(str(MODULES[model_name][submodule_name]["path"]))

For more information about serving FHE models, see the client/server section.

Client Side

You can develop a client application that deploys a model with hybrid deployment in a very similar manner to on-premise deployment: Use PyTorch to load the model normally, but specify the remote endpoint and the part of the model to be executed remotely.

# Modify model to use remote FHE server instead of local weights
hybrid_model = HybridFHEModel(
    model,  # PyTorch or Brevitas model

Next, obtain the parameters necessary to encrypt and quantize data, as detailed in the client/server documentation.

path_to_clients = Path(__file__).parent / "clients"

When the client application is ready to make inference requests to the server, set the operation mode of the HybridFHEModel instance to HybridFHEMode.REMOTE:

for module in hybrid_model.remote_modules.values():
    module.fhe_local_mode = HybridFHEMode.REMOTE    

For inference with the HybridFHEModel instance, hybrid_model, call the regular forward method as if the model was fully deployed locally::

hybrid_model(torch.randn((dim, )))

When calling HybridFHEModel, it handles all the necessary intermediate steps for each model part deployed remotely, including:

  • Quantizing the data.

  • Encrypting the data.

  • Making the request to the server using requests Python module.

  • Decrypting and de-quantizing the result.

Last updated

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