Decryption in depth

This document provides a detailed guide on implementing decryption in your smart contracts using the GatewayContract in fhEVM. It covers the setup, usage of the Gateway.requestDecryption function, and testing with Hardhat.

GatewayContract set up

The GatewayContract is pre-deployed on the fhEVM testnet. It uses a default relayer account specified in the PRIVATE_KEY_GATEWAY_RELAYER or ADDRESS_GATEWAY_RELAYER environment variable in the .env file.

Relayers are the only accounts authorized to fulfill decryption requests. The role of the GatewayContract, however, is to independently verify the KMS signature during execution. This ensures that the relayers cannot manipulate or send fraudulent decryption results, even if compromised. However, the relayers are still trusted to forward decryption requests on time.

Gateway.requestDecryption function

The interface of the Gateway.requestDecryption function from previous snippet is the following:

  function requestDecryption(
      uint256[] calldata ctsHandles,
      bytes4 callbackSelector,
      uint256 msgValue,
      uint256 maxTimestamp,
      bool passSignaturesToCaller
  ) external virtual returns (uint256 initialCounter) {


The first argument, ctsHandles, should be an array of ciphertexts handles which could be of different types, i.e uint256 values coming from unwrapping handles of type either ebool, euint4, euint8, euint16, euint32, euint64 or eaddress.

ct is the list of ciphertexts that are requested to be decrypted. Calling requestDecryption will emit an EventDecryption on the GatewayContract contract which will be detected by a relayer. Then, the relayer will send the corresponding ciphertexts to the KMS for decryption before fulfilling the request.

callbackSelector is the function selector of the callback function which will be called by the GatewayContract contract once the relayer fulfils the decryption request. Notice that the callback function should always follow this convention, if passSignaturesToCaller is set to false:

function [callbackName](uint256 requestID, XXX x_0, XXX x_1, ..., XXX x_N-1) external onlyGateway

Or, alternatively, if passSignaturesToCaller is set to true:

function [callbackName](uint256 requestID, XXX x_0, XXX x_1, ..., XXX x_N-1, bytes[] memory signatures) external onlyGateway

Notice that XXX should be the decrypted type, which is a native Solidity type corresponding to the original ciphertext type, following this table of conventions:

Ciphertext type
Decrypted type



















Here callbackName is a custom name given by the developer to the callback function, requestID will be the request id of the decryption (could be commented if not needed in the logic, but must be present) and x_0, x_1, ... x_N-1 are the results of the decryption of the ct array values, i.e their number should be the size of the ct array.

msgValue is the value in native tokens to be sent to the calling contract during fulfillment, i.e when the callback will be called with the results of decryption.

maxTimestamp is the maximum timestamp after which the callback will not be able to receive the results of decryption, i.e the fulfillment transaction will fail in this case. This can be used for time-sensitive applications, where we prefer to reject decryption results on too old, out-of-date, values.

passSignaturesToCaller determines whether the callback needs to transmit signatures from the KMS or not. This is useful if the dApp developer wants to remove trust from the Gateway service and prefers to check the KMS signatures directly from within his dApp smart contract. A concrete example of how to verify the KMS signatures inside a dApp is available here in the requestBoolTrustless function.

WARNING: Notice that the callback should be protected by the onlyGateway modifier to ensure security, as only the GatewayContract contract should be able to call it.

Finally, if you need to pass additional arguments to be used inside the callback, you could use any of the following utility functions during the request, which would store additional values in the storage of your smart contract:

function addParamsEBool(uint256 requestID, ebool _ebool) internal;

function addParamsEUint4(uint256 requestID, euint4 _euint4) internal;

function addParamsEUint8(uint256 requestID, euint8 _euint8) internal;

function addParamsEUint16(uint256 requestID, euint16 _euint16) internal;

function addParamsEUint32(uint256 requestID, euint32 _euint32) internal;

function addParamsEUint64(uint256 requestID, euint64 _euint64) internal;

function addParamsEAddress(uint256 requestID, eaddress _eaddress) internal;

function addParamsAddress(uint256 requestID, address _address) internal;

function addParamsUint256(uint256 requestID, uint256 _uint) internal;

With their corresponding getter functions to be used inside the callback:

function getParamsEBool(uint256 requestID) internal;

function getParamsEUint4(uint256 requestID) internal;

function getParamsEUint8(uint256 requestID) internal;

function getParamsEUint16(uint256 requestID) internal;

function getParamsEUint32(uint256 requestID) internal;

function getParamsEUint64(uint256 requestID) internal;

function getParamsEAddress(uint256 requestID) internal;

function getParamsAddress(uint256 requestID) internal;

function getParamsUint256(uint256 requestID) internal;

For example, see this snippet where we add two uint256s during the request call, to make them available later during the callback:

pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import "fhevm/lib/TFHE.sol";
import { SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig } from "fhevm/config/ZamaFHEVMConfig.sol";
import { SepoliaZamaGatewayConfig } from "fhevm/config/ZamaGatewayConfig.sol";
import "fhevm/gateway/GatewayCaller.sol";

contract TestAsyncDecrypt is SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig, SepoliaZamaGatewayConfig, GatewayCaller {
  euint32 xUint32;
  uint32 public yUint32;

  constructor() {
      xUint32 = TFHE.asEuint32(32);

  function requestUint32(uint32 input1, uint32 input2) public {
      uint256[] memory cts = new uint256[](1);
      cts[0] = Gateway.toUint256(xUint32);
      uint256 requestID = Gateway.requestDecryption(cts, this.callbackUint32.selector, 0, block.timestamp + 100, false);
      addParamsUint256(requestID, input1);
      addParamsUint256(requestID, input2);

  function callbackUint32(uint256 requestID, uint32 decryptedInput) public onlyGateway returns (uint32) {
    uint256[] memory params = getParamsUint256(requestID);
    unchecked {
        uint32 result = uint32(params[0]) + uint32(params[1]) + decryptedInput;
        yUint32 = result;
        return result;

When the decryption request is fufilled by the relayer, the GatewayContract contract, when calling the callback function, will also emit the following event:

event ResultCallback(uint256 indexed requestID, bool success, bytes result);

The first argument is the requestID of the corresponding decryption request, success is a boolean assessing if the call to the callback succeeded, and result is the bytes array corresponding to the return data from the callback.

In your hardhat tests, if you sent some transactions which are requesting one or several decryptions and you wish to await the fulfillment of those decryptions, you should import the two helper methods initGateway and awaitAllDecryptionResults from the asyncDecrypt.ts utility file. This would work both when testing on a fhEVM node or in mocked mode. Here is a simple hardhat test for the previous TestAsyncDecrypt contract (more examples can be seen here):

import { initGateway, awaitAllDecryptionResults } from "../asyncDecrypt";
import { getSigners, initSigners } from "../signers";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { ethers } from "hardhat";

describe("TestAsyncDecrypt", function () {
  before(async function () {
    await initGateway();
    await initSigners(3);
    this.signers = await getSigners();

  beforeEach(async function () {
    const contractFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("TestAsyncDecrypt");
    this.contract = await contractFactory.connect(this.signers.alice).deploy();

  it("test async decrypt uint32", async function () {
    const tx2 = await this.contract.connect(this.signers.carol).requestUint32(5, 15, { gasLimit: 500_000 }); // custom gasLimit to avoid gas estimation error in fhEVM mode
    await tx2.wait();
    await awaitAllDecryptionResults();
    const y = await this.contract.yUint32();
    expect(y).to.equal(52); // 5+15+32

You should initialize the gateway by calling initGateway at the top of the before block - more specifically, before doing any transaction which could involve a decryption request. Notice that when testing on the fhEVM, a decryption is fulfilled usually 2 blocks after the request, while in mocked mode the fulfillment will always happen as soon as you call the awaitAllDecryptionResults helper function. A good way to standardize hardhat tests is hence to always call the awaitAllDecryptionResults function which will ensure that all pending decryptions are fulfilled in both modes.

Last updated

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