
This section explains how to handle decryption in fhEVM. Decryption allows plaintext data to be accessed when required for contract logic or user presentation, ensuring confidentiality is maintained throughout the process.

Understanding how encryption, decryption and reencryption works is a prerequisit before implementation, see Encryption, Decryption, Re-encryption, and Computation.

Decryption is essential in two primary cases:

  1. Smart contract logic: A contract requires plaintext values for computations or decision-making.

  2. User interaction: Plaintext data needs to be revealed to all users, such as revealing the decision of the vote.

To learn how decryption works see Encryption, Decryption, Re-encryption, and Computation


Decryption in fhEVM is an asynchronous process that involves the Gateway and Key Management System (KMS). Contracts requiring decryption must extend the GatewayCaller contract, which imports the necessary libraries and provides access to the Gateway.

Here’s an example of how to request decryption in a contract:

Example: asynchronous decryption in a contract

pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import "fhevm/lib/TFHE.sol";
import { SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig } from "fhevm/config/ZamaFHEVMConfig.sol";
import { SepoliaZamaGatewayConfig } from "fhevm/config/ZamaGatewayConfig.sol";
import "fhevm/gateway/GatewayCaller.sol";

contract TestAsyncDecrypt is SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig, SepoliaZamaGatewayConfig, GatewayCaller {
  ebool xBool;
  bool public yBool;

  constructor() {
      xBool = TFHE.asEbool(true);

  function requestBool() public {
    uint256[] memory cts = new uint256[](1);
    cts[0] = Gateway.toUint256(xBool);
    Gateway.requestDecryption(cts, this.myCustomCallback.selector, 0, block.timestamp + 100, false);

  function myCustomCallback(uint256 /*requestID*/, bool decryptedInput) public onlyGateway returns (bool) {
    yBool = decryptedInput;
    return yBool;

Key additions to the code

  1. Configuration imports: The configuration contracts are imported to set up the FHEVM environment and Gateway.

    import { SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig } from "fhevm/config/ZamaFHEVMConfig.sol";
    import { SepoliaZamaGatewayConfig } from "fhevm/config/ZamaGatewayConfig.sol";
  2. GatewayCaller import: The GatewayCaller contract is imported to enable decryption requests.

    import "fhevm/gateway/GatewayCaller.sol";

Applying decryption to the counter example

Remember our Encrypted Counter contract from before? Here’s an improved version of it, upgraded to support decryption:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import "fhevm/lib/TFHE.sol";
import { SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig } from "fhevm/config/ZamaFHEVMConfig.sol";
import { SepoliaZamaGatewayConfig } from "fhevm/config/ZamaGatewayConfig.sol";
import "fhevm/gateway/GatewayCaller.sol";

/// @title EncryptedCounter3
/// @notice A contract that maintains an encrypted counter and is meant for demonstrating how decryption works
/// @dev Uses TFHE library for fully homomorphic encryption operations and Gateway for decryption
/// @custom:experimental This contract is experimental and uses FHE technology with decryption capabilities
contract EncryptedCounter3 is SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig, SepoliaZamaGatewayConfig, GatewayCaller {
    /// @dev Decrypted state variable
    euint8 internal counter;
    uint8 public decryptedCounter;

    constructor() {

        // Initialize counter with an encrypted zero value
        counter = TFHE.asEuint8(0);

    function incrementBy(einput amount, bytes calldata inputProof) public {
        // Convert input to euint8 and add to counter
        euint8 incrementAmount = TFHE.asEuint8(amount, inputProof);
        counter = TFHE.add(counter, incrementAmount);

    /// @notice Request decryption of the counter value
    function requestDecryptCounter() public {
        uint256[] memory cts = new uint256[](1);
        cts[0] = Gateway.toUint256(counter);
        Gateway.requestDecryption(cts, this.callbackCounter.selector, 0, block.timestamp + 100, false);

    /// @notice Callback function for counter decryption
    /// @param decryptedInput The decrypted counter value
    /// @return The decrypted value
    function callbackCounter(uint256, uint8 decryptedInput) public onlyGateway returns (uint8) {
        decryptedCounter = decryptedInput;
        return decryptedInput;

    /// @notice Get the decrypted counter value
    /// @return The decrypted counter value
    function getDecryptedCounter() public view returns (uint8) {
        return decryptedCounter;

Tests for EncryptedCounter3

Here’s a sample test for the Encrypted Counter contract using Hardhat:

import { awaitAllDecryptionResults, initGateway } from "../asyncDecrypt";
import { createInstance } from "../instance";
import { getSigners, initSigners } from "../signers";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { ethers } from "hardhat";

describe("EncryptedCounter3", function () {
  before(async function () {
    await initSigners(); // Initialize signers
    this.signers = await getSigners();
    await initGateway(); // Initialize the gateway for decryption

  beforeEach(async function () {
    const CounterFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("EncryptedCounter3");
    this.counterContract = await CounterFactory.connect(this.signers.alice).deploy();
    await this.counterContract.waitForDeployment();
    this.contractAddress = await this.counterContract.getAddress();
    this.instances = await createInstance(); // Set up instances for testing

  it("should increment counter and decrypt the result", async function () {
    // Create encrypted input for amount to increment by
    const input = this.instances.createEncryptedInput(this.contractAddress, this.signers.alice.address);
    input.add8(5); // Increment by 5 as an example
    const encryptedAmount = await input.encrypt();

    // Call incrementBy with encrypted amount
    const tx = await this.counterContract.incrementBy(encryptedAmount.handles[0], encryptedAmount.inputProof);
    await tx.wait();

    const tx4 = await this.counterContract.connect(this.signers.carol).requestDecryptCounter();
    await tx4.wait();

    // Wait for decryption to complete
    await awaitAllDecryptionResults();

    // Check decrypted value (should be 3: initial 0 + three increments)
    const decryptedValue = await this.counterContract.getDecryptedCounter();

Key additions in testing

  1. Initialize the Gateway:

    await initGateway(); // Initialize the gateway for decryption
  2. Request decryption and wait for results:

    const decryptTx = await this.counterContract.requestDecryptCounter({ gasLimit: 5_000_000 });
    await decryptTx.wait();
    await awaitAllDecryptionResults();
  3. Verify the decrypted value:

    const decryptedValue = await this.counterContract.getDecryptedCounter();

Next steps

Explore advanced decryption techniques and learn more about re-encryption:

Last updated