The FHE circuit combines computational graph, mlir, client and server into a single object. More information available in Concrete documentation ( Is None if the model is not fitted.
Circuit: The FHE circuit.
property is_compiled
Indicate if the model is compiled.
bool: If the model is compiled.
property is_fitted
Indicate if the model is fitted.
bool: If the model is fitted.
property n_classes_
Get the model's number of classes.
Using this attribute is deprecated.
int: The model's number of classes.
property onnx_model
Get the ONNX model.
Is None if the model is not fitted.
onnx.ModelProto: The ONNX model.
property target_classes_
Get the model's classes.
Using this attribute is deprecated.
Optional[numpy.ndarray]: The model's classes.
method dump_dict
dump_dict() → Dict[str, Any]
classmethod load_dict
load_dict(metadata: Dict)
class XGBRegressor
Implements the XGBoost regressor.
See for more information about the parameters used.
The FHE circuit combines computational graph, mlir, client and server into a single object. More information available in Concrete documentation ( Is None if the model is not fitted.