
Utility functions for onnx operator implementations.

function numpy_onnx_pad

    x: ndarray,
    pads: Tuple[int, ],
    pad_value: Union[float, int, ndarray] = 0,
    int_only: bool = False
) → Union[ndarray, Tracer]

Pad a tensor according to ONNX spec, using an optional custom pad value.


  • x (numpy.ndarray): input tensor to pad

  • pads (List[int]): padding values according to ONNX spec

  • pad_value (Optional[Union[float, int]]): value used to fill in padding, default 0

  • int_only (bool): set to True to generate integer only code with Concrete


  • res (numpy.ndarray): the input tensor with padding applied

function compute_conv_output_dims

    input_shape: Tuple[int, ],
    kernel_shape: Tuple[int, ],
    pads: Tuple[int, ],
    strides: Tuple[int, ],
    ceil_mode: int
) → Tuple[int, ]

Compute the output shape of a pool or conv operation.

See for details on the computation of the output shape.


  • input_shape (Tuple[int, ...]): shape of the input to be padded as N x C x H x W

  • kernel_shape (Tuple[int, ...]): shape of the conv or pool kernel, as Kh x Kw (or n-d)

  • pads (Tuple[int, ...]): padding values following ONNX spec: dim1_start, dim2_start, .. dimN_start, dim1_end, dim2_end, ... dimN_end where in the 2-d case dim1 is H, dim2 is W

  • strides (Tuple[int, ...]): strides for each dimension

  • ceil_mode (int): set to 1 to use the ceil function to compute the output shape, as described in the PyTorch doc


  • res (Tuple[int, ...]): shape of the output of a conv or pool operator with given parameters

function compute_onnx_pool_padding

    input_shape: Tuple[int, ],
    kernel_shape: Tuple[int, ],
    pads: Tuple[int, ],
    strides: Tuple[int, ],
    ceil_mode: int
) → Tuple[int, ]

Compute any additional padding needed to compute pooling layers.

The ONNX standard uses ceil_mode=1 to match TensorFlow style pooling output computation. In this setting, the kernel can be placed at a valid position even though it contains values outside of the input shape including padding. The ceil_mode parameter controls whether this mode is enabled. If the mode is not enabled, the output shape follows PyTorch rules.


  • input_shape (Tuple[int, ...]): shape of the input to be padded as N x C x H x W

  • kernel_shape (Tuple[int, ...]): shape of the conv or pool kernel, as Kh x Kw (or n-d)

  • pads (Tuple[int, ...]): padding values following ONNX spec: dim1_start, dim2_start, .. dimN_start, dim1_end, dim2_end, ... dimN_end where in the 2-d case dim1 is H, dim2 is W

  • strides (Tuple[int, ...]): strides for each dimension

  • ceil_mode (int): set to 1 to use the ceil function to compute the output shape, as described in the PyTorch doc


  • res (Tuple[int, ...]): shape of the output of a conv or pool operator with given parameters

function onnx_avgpool_compute_norm_const

    input_shape: Tuple[int, ],
    kernel_shape: Tuple[int, ],
    pads: Tuple[int, ],
    strides: Tuple[int, ],
    ceil_mode: int
) → Union[ndarray, float, Tracer]

Compute the average pooling normalization constant.

This constant can be a tensor of the same shape as the input or a scalar.


  • input_shape (Tuple[int, ...]): shape of the input to be padded as N x C x H x W

  • kernel_shape (Tuple[int, ...]): shape of the conv or pool kernel, as Kh x Kw (or n-d)

  • pads (Tuple[int, ...]): padding values following ONNX spec: dim1_start, dim2_start, .. dimN_start, dim1_end, dim2_end, ... dimN_end where in the 2-d case dim1 is H, dim2 is W

  • strides (Tuple[int, ...]): strides for each dimension

  • ceil_mode (int): set to 1 to use the ceil function to compute the output shape, as described in the PyTorch doc


  • res (float): tensor or scalar, corresponding to normalization factors to apply for the average pool computation for each valid kernel position

function rounded_comparison

    x: ndarray,
    y: ndarray,
    lsbs_to_remove: int,
    operation: Callable[[int], bool]
) → Tuple[bool]

Comparison operation using round_bit_pattern function.

round_bit_pattern rounds the bit pattern of an integer to the closer It also checks for any potential overflow. If so, it readjusts the LSBs accordingly.

The parameter lsbs_to_remove in round_bit_pattern can either be an integer specifying the number of LSBS to remove, or an AutoRounder object that determines the required number of LSBs based on the specified number of MSBs to retain. But in our case, we choose to compute the LSBs manually.


  • x (numpy.ndarray): Input tensor

  • y (numpy.ndarray): Input tensor

  • lsbs_to_remove (int): Number of the least significant bits to remove

  • operation (ComparisonOperationType): Comparison operation, which can <, <= and ==


  • Tuple[bool]: If x and y satisfy the comparison operator.

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