Generic Function Bounds

If you wish to write generic functions which use operators with mixed reference and non-reference, it might get tricky at first to specify the trait bounds. This page should serve as a cookbook to help you.

Operators (+, *, >>, etc) are tied to traits in std:::ops, e.g. + is std::ops::Add, so to write a generic function which uses the + operator, you need to use add std::ops::Add as a trait bound.

Then, depending on if the left hand side / right hand side is an owned value or a reference, the trait bound is slightly different. The table below shows the possibilities.

The for<'a> syntax is something called Higher-Rank Trait Bounds, often shortened as HRTB

Writing generic functions will also allow you to call them using clear inputs, only allowing easier debugging.


use std::ops::{Add, Mul};

use tfhe::prelude::*;
use tfhe::{generate_keys, set_server_key, ConfigBuilder, FheUint32, FheUint64};

pub fn ex1<'a, FheType, ClearType>(ct: &'a FheType, pt: ClearType) -> FheType
        &'a FheType: Add<ClearType, Output = FheType>,
    ct + pt

pub fn ex2<'a, FheType, ClearType>(a: &'a FheType, b: &'a FheType, pt: ClearType) -> FheType
        &'a FheType: Mul<&'a FheType, Output = FheType>,
        FheType: Add<ClearType, Output = FheType>,
    (a * b) + pt

pub fn ex3<FheType, ClearType>(a: FheType, b: FheType, pt: ClearType) -> FheType
            for<'a> &'a FheType: Add<&'a FheType, Output = FheType>,
            FheType: Add<FheType, Output = FheType> + Add<ClearType, Output = FheType>,
    let tmp = (&a + &b) + (&a + &b);
    tmp + pt

pub fn ex4<FheType, ClearType>(a: FheType, b: FheType, pt: ClearType) -> FheType
        FheType: Clone + Add<FheType, Output = FheType> + Add<ClearType, Output = FheType>,
    let tmp = (a.clone() + b.clone()) + (a.clone() + b.clone());
    tmp + pt

fn main() {
    let config = ConfigBuilder::all_disabled()

    let (client_key, server_keys) = generate_keys(config);


    // Use FheUint32
        let clear_a = 46546u32;
        let clear_b = 6469u32;
        let clear_c = 64u32;

        let a = FheUint32::try_encrypt(clear_a, &client_key).unwrap();
        let b = FheUint32::try_encrypt(clear_b, &client_key).unwrap();
            ex1(&clear_a, clear_c),
            ex1(&a, clear_c).decrypt(&client_key)
            ex2(&clear_a, &clear_b, clear_c),
            ex2(&a, &b, clear_c).decrypt(&client_key)
            ex3(clear_a, clear_b, clear_c),
            ex3(a.clone(), b.clone(), clear_c).decrypt(&client_key)
            ex4(clear_a, clear_b, clear_c),
            ex4(a, b, clear_c).decrypt(&client_key)

    // Use FheUint64
        let clear_a = 46544866u64;
        let clear_b = 6469446677u64;
        let clear_c = 647897u64;

        let a = FheUint64::try_encrypt(clear_a, &client_key).unwrap();
        let b = FheUint64::try_encrypt(clear_b, &client_key).unwrap();
            ex1(&clear_a, clear_c),
            ex1(&a, clear_c).decrypt(&client_key)
            ex2(&clear_a, &clear_b, clear_c),
            ex2(&a, &b, clear_c).decrypt(&client_key)
            ex3(clear_a, clear_b, clear_c),
            ex3(a.clone(), b.clone(), clear_c).decrypt(&client_key)
            ex4(clear_a, clear_b, clear_c),
            ex4(a, b, clear_c).decrypt(&client_key)

Last updated