
This document provides instructions to set up TFHE-rs in your project.


First, add TFHE-rs as a dependency in your Cargo.toml.

For x86_64 machine running a Unix-like OS:

tfhe = { version = "0.7.1", features = [ "boolean", "shortint", "integer", "x86_64-unix" ] }

For ARM machine running a Unix-like OS:

tfhe = { version = "0.7.1", features = [ "boolean", "shortint", "integer", "aarch64-unix" ] }

For x86_64 machines with the rdseed instruction running Windows:

tfhe = { version = "*", features = ["boolean", "shortint", "integer", "x86_64"] }

Rust version: a minimum Rust version of 1.73 is required to compile TFHE-rs.

Performance: for optimal performance, it is highly recommended to run code that uses TFHE-rs in release mode with cargo's --release flag.

Supported platforms

TFHE-rs currently supports the following platforms:

Last updated