Commented code of a uint128 subtraction using TFHE-rs C API.
The following example demonstrates uint128 subtraction using the TFHE-rs C API:
WARNING: this example omits proper memory management in the error case to improve code readability.
Ensure the above CMakeLists.txt and main.c files are in the same directory. Use the following commands to execute the example:
# /!\ Be sure to update CMakeLists.txt to give the absolute path to the compiled tfhe library$lsCMakeLists.txtmain.c$mkdirbuild&&cdbuild$cmake..-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE...$make...$./my-executableFHEcomputationsuccessful!$
#include <tfhe.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int ok = 0;
// Prepare the config builder for the high level API and choose which types to enable
ConfigBuilder *builder;
Config *config;
// Put the builder in a default state without any types enabled
// Use the small LWE key for encryption
// Populate the config
config_builder_build(builder, &config);
ClientKey *client_key = NULL;
ServerKey *server_key = NULL;
// Generate the keys using the config
generate_keys(config, &client_key, &server_key);
// Set the server key for the current thread
FheUint128 *lhs = NULL;
FheUint128 *rhs = NULL;
FheUint128 *result = NULL;
// A 128-bit unsigned integer containing value: 20 << 64 | 10
U128 clear_lhs = { .w0 = 10, .w1 = 20 };
// A 128-bit unsigned integer containing value: 2 << 64 | 1
U128 clear_rhs = { .w0 = 1, .w1 = 2 };
ok = fhe_uint128_try_encrypt_with_client_key_u128(clear_lhs, client_key, &lhs);
assert(ok == 0);
ok = fhe_uint128_try_encrypt_with_client_key_u128(clear_rhs, client_key, &rhs);
assert(ok == 0);
// Compute the subtraction
ok = fhe_uint128_sub(lhs, rhs, &result);
assert(ok == 0);
U128 clear_result;
// Decrypt
ok = fhe_uint128_decrypt(result, client_key, &clear_result);
assert(ok == 0);
// Here the subtraction allows us to compare each word
assert(clear_result.w0 == 9);
assert(clear_result.w1 == 18);
// Destroy the ciphertexts
// Destroy the keys
printf("FHE computation successful!\n");