
The TFHE library provides encrypted integer types and a type system that is checked both at compile time and at run time.

Encrypted integers behave as much as possible as Solidity's integer types. Currently, however, behaviour such as "revert on overflow" is not supported as this would leak some information about the encrypted value. Therefore, arithmetic on e(u)int types is unchecked, i.e. there is wrap-around on overflow.

Encrypted integers with overflow checking are coming soon to the TFHE library. They will allow reversal in case of an overflow, but will leak some information about the operands.

In terms of implementation in the fhEVM, encrypted integers take the form of FHE ciphertexts. The TFHE library abstracts away that and, instead, exposes ciphertext handles to smart contract developers. The e(u)int types are wrappers over these handles.

The following encrypted data types are defined:

Higher-precision integers are supported in the TFHE-rs library and can be added as needed to fhEVM.

NOTE 1: The ebool type is currently implemented as an euint8. A more optimized native boolean type will replace euint8.


When users send serialized ciphertexts as bytes to the blockchain, they first need to be converted to the respective encrypted integer type. Conversion verifies if the ciphertext is well-formed and includes proof verification. These steps prevent usage of arbitrary inputs. For example, following functions are provided for ebool, euint8, euint16 and euint32:

  • TFHE.asEbool(bytes ciphertext) verifies the provided ciphertext and returns an ebool

  • TFHE.asEuint8(bytes ciphertext) verifies the provided ciphertext and returns an euint8

  • TFHE.asEuint16(bytes ciphertext) verifies the provided ciphertext and returns an euint16

  • TFHE.asEuint32(bytes ciphertext) verifies the provided ciphertext and returns an euint32

  • ... more functions for the respective encrypted integer types


function mint(bytes calldata encryptedAmount) public onlyContractOwner {
  euint32 amount = TFHE.asEuint32(encryptedAmount);
  balances[contractOwner] = balances[contractOwner] + amount;
  totalSupply = totalSupply + amount;

Last updated