Adding and subtracting ciphertexts

Adding or subtracting LWE ciphertexts together is a leveled operation that increases noise and potentially consumer padding and modify the encoding. It is one of the fundamental FHE operation.

Adding LWE ciphertexts

The common way to add ciphertexts is to consume bits of padding and update the interval of their respective encoders. This can be achieved using the short form method add (or add_inplace) which simply takes another ciphertext as argument. This is an alias for the more verbose add_with_padding (or add_with_padding_inplace).

Homomorphic subtraction works exactly the same as addition, using the sub_with_padding (or sub_with_padding_inplace) methods.

Here is a code example:

use concrete::*;

fn main() -> Result<(), CryptoAPIError> {
    // generate a secret key
    let secret_key = LWESecretKey::new(&LWE128_630);

    // the two values to add
    let m1 = 8.2;
    let m2 = 5.6;

    // Encode in [0, 10[ with 8 bits of precision and 1 bit of padding
    let encoder = Encoder::new(0., 10., 8, 1)?;

    // encrypt plaintexts
    let mut c1 = LWE::encode_encrypt(&secret_key, m1, &encoder)?;
    let c2 = LWE::encode_encrypt(&secret_key, m2, &encoder)?;

    // add the two ciphertexts homomorphically, and store in c1

    // decrypt and decode the result
    let m3: f64 = c1.decrypt_decode(&secret_key)?;
    // print the result and compare to non-FHE addition
    println!("Real: {}, FHE: {}", m1 + m2, m3);

And in vectorized form:

// message vectors to add
let mv1: Vec<f64> = vec![1.2, 4.3, 0.11, 3.1, 6.7];
let mv2: Vec<f64> = vec![7.0, 1.0, 8.2, 3.7, 9.4];

// Encode in [0, 10[ with 8 bits of precision and 1 bit of padding
let encoder = Encoder::new(0., 10., 8, 1)?;

// encode encrypt
let mut cv1 = VectorLWE::encode_encrypt(&secret_key, &mv1, &encoder)?;
let cv2 = VectorLWE::encode_encrypt(&secret_key, &mv2, &encoder)?;

// add ciphertext vectors element-wise

Adding LWE ciphertexts without consuming padding

If the interval of the output of the homomorphic addition is known, it is possible to add ciphertexts without consuming padding. To do so, you can use the add_with_new_min (or add_with_new_min_inplace) method that takes as arguments the ciphertext to add and the minimum new_min of the interval of the result.

If the result of the homomorphic addition is outside of the specified range, the behavior is undefined and the result most likely to be incorrect.

Subtracting ciphertexts without consuming padding is not yet implemented in Concrete.

Here is a code example:

use concrete::*;

fn main() -> Result<(), CryptoAPIError> {
    // generate a secret key
    let secret_key = LWESecretKey::new(&LWE128_630);

    // the two values to add
    let m1 = 8.;
    let m2 = 9.;

    // Encode in [0, 10[ with 8 bits of precision and 1 bit of padding
    let encoder = Encoder::new(0., 10., 8, 1)?;

    // encrypt plaintexts
    let mut c1 = LWE::encode_encrypt(&secret_key, m1, &encoder)?;
    let c2 = LWE::encode_encrypt(&secret_key, m2, &encoder)?;

    // add the two ciphertexts homomorphically
    let new_min = 10.;
    c1.add_with_new_min_inplace(&c2, new_min)?;

    // decrypt and decode the result
    let m3: f64 = c1.decrypt_decode(&secret_key)?;

    // print the result and compare to non-FHE addition
    println!("Real: {}, FHE: {}", m1 + m2, m3);

Last updated