Rounded table lookups are not yet compilable. API is stable and will not change, so it's documented, but you might not be able to run the code samples provided in this document.
Table lookups have a strict constraint on the number of bits they support. This can limiting, especially if you don't need exact precision.
To overcome this, a rounded table lookup operation is introduced. It's a way to extract the most significant bits of a large integer and then apply the table lookup to those bits.
Imagine you have an 8-bit value, but you want to have a 5-bit table lookup. You can call fhe.round_bit_pattern(input, lsbs_to_remove=3) and use the value you get in the table lookup.
A modified table lookup would be applied to the resulting 5 bits.
If you want to apply ReLU to an 18-bit value., first look at the original ReLU:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def relu(x):
return x if x >= 0 else 0
xs = range(-100_000, 100_000)
ys = [relu(x) for x in xs]
plt.plot(xs, ys)
The input range is [-100_000, 100_000), which means 18-bit table lookups are required, but they are not yet supported. You can apply a rounding operation to the input before passing it to the ReLU function:
from concrete import fhe
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def relu(x):
return x if x >= 0 else 0
@fhe.compiler({"x": "encrypted"})
def f(x):
x = fhe.round_bit_pattern(x, lsbs_to_remove=10)
return fhe.univariate(relu)(x)
inputset = [-100_000, (100_000 - 1)]
circuit = f.compile(inputset)
xs = range(-100_000, 100_000)
ys = [circuit.simulate(x) for x in xs]
plt.plot(xs, ys)
We've removed the 10 least significant bits of the input and then applied the ReLU function to this value to get:
This is close enough to original ReLU for some cases. If your application is more flexible, you could remove more bits, let's say 12, to get:
This is very useful but, in some cases, you don't know how many bits your input contains, so it's not reliable to specify lsbs_to_remove manually. For this reason, AutoRounder class is introduced.
from concrete import fhe
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
rounder = fhe.AutoRounder(target_msbs=6)
def relu(x):
return x if x >= 0 else 0
@fhe.compiler({"x": "encrypted"})
def f(x):
x = fhe.round_bit_pattern(x, lsbs_to_remove=rounder)
return fhe.univariate(relu)(x)
inputset = [-100_000, (100_000 - 1)]
fhe.AutoRounder.adjust(f, inputset) # alternatively, you can use `auto_adjust_rounders=True` below
circuit = f.compile(inputset)
xs = range(-100_000, 100_000)
ys = [circuit.simulate(x) for x in xs]
plt.plot(xs, ys)
AutoRounders allow you to set how many of the most significant bits to keep, but they need to be adjusted using an inputset to determine how many of the least significant bits to remove. This can be done manually using fhe.AutoRounder.adjust(function, inputset), or by setting auto_adjust_rounders to True during compilation.
In this case, 6 of the most significant bits are kept to get:
You can adjust target_msbs depending on your requirements. If you set it to 4, you get:
AutoRounders should be defined outside the function being compiled. They are used to store the result of the adjustment process, so they shouldn't be created each time the function is called.