Set Up Docker

Setting up Docker and X forwarding

Before you start this section, go ahead and install Docker. You can follow this official guide if you require assistance.

X forwarding means redirecting the display to your host machine screen so that the Docker container can display things on your screen (otherwise you would only get CLI/terminal interface to your container).


xhost +localhost


To be able to use X forwarding on macOS:

  • Install XQuartz

  • Open and make sure that authorize network connections is set in the application parameters (currently in the Security settings)

  • Open a new terminal within and type:

xhost +

Now, the X server should be all set in Docker (in the regular terminal).


Install Xming and use Xlaunch:

  • Multiple Windows, Display number: 0

  • Start no client

  • IMPORTANT: Check No Access Control

  • You can save this configuration to relaunch easily, then click finish.

Building the image

Once you have access to this repository and the dev environment is installed on your host OS (via make setup_env once you followed the steps here), you should be able to launch the commands to build the dev Docker image with make docker_build.

Once you do that, you can get inside the Docker environment using the following command:

make docker_start

# or build and start at the same time
make docker_build_and_start
# or equivalently but shorter
make docker_bas

After you finish your work, you can leave Docker by using the exit command or by pressing CTRL + D.

Last updated

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