Configure Rust

Using TFHE-rs with nightly toolchain.

Install the needed Rust toolchain:

rustup toolchain install nightly

Then, you can either:

  • Manually specify the toolchain to use in each of the cargo commands:

cargo +nightly build
cargo +nightly test
  • Or override the toolchain to use for the current project:

rustup override set nightly
# cargo will use the `nightly` toolchain.
cargo build

To check the toolchain that Cargo will use by default, you can use the following command:

rustup show

Choosing your features

TFHE-rs exposes different cargo features to customize the types and features used.

Homomorphic Types.

This crate exposes two kinds of data types. Each kind is enabled by activating its corresponding feature in the TOML line. Each kind may have multiple types:


In general, the library automatically chooses the best instruction sets available by the host. However, in the case of 'AVX-512', this has to explicitly chosen as a feature. This requires to use the nightly toolchain along with the feature nightly-avx512.

cargo +nightly build --features=nightly-avx512

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