fhevmjs is working out of the box and we recommend you to use it. We also provide three GitHub templates to start your project with everything set.
React + TypeScript
You can use this template to start an application with fhevmjs, using Vite + React + TypeScript.
VueJS + TypeScript
You can also use this template to start an application with fhevmjs, using Vite + Vue + TypeScript.
NextJS + Typescript
You can also use this template to start an application with fhevmjs, using Next + TypeScript.
Using directly the library
First, you need to install the library.
# Using npm
npm install fhevmjs
# Using Yarn
yarn add fhevmjs
# Using pnpm
pnpm add fhevmjs
fhevmjs uses ESM format. You need to set the type to "module" in your package.json. If your node project use "type": "commonjs" or no type, you can force the loading of the web version by using import { createInstance } from 'fhevmjs/web';
To use the library in your project, you need to load the WASM of TFHE first with initFhevm.