It is important to keep in mind that each time we assign a value using TFHE.cmux, the value changes, even if the plaintext value remains the same.
Error handling
If a condition is not satisfied, the transaction will not be reverted, potentially posing a challenge when attempting to communicate issues to users. A recommended approach to address this is by implementing an error handler in which the contract stores the latest error information for all wallets.
structLastError { euint8 error;uint timestamp;}euint8 internal NO_ERROR;euint8 internal NOT_ENOUGH_FUND;constructor() { NO_ERROR = TFHE.asEuint8(0); NOT_ENOUGH_FUND = TFHE.asEuint8(1);}functionsetLastError(euint8 error,address addr) private { _lastErrors[addr] =LastError(error, block.timestamp);emitErrorChanged(addr);}function_transfer(address from,address to, euint32 amount) internal {// Make sure the sender has enough tokens. ebool canTransfer = TFHE.le(amount, balances[from]);setLastError(TFHE.cmux(canTransfer, NO_ERROR, NOT_ENOUGH_FUND), msg.sender);// Add to the balance of `to` and subract from the balance of `from`. balances[to] = balances[to] + TFHE.cmux(canTransfer, amount, TFHE.asEuint32(0)); balances[from] = balances[from] - TFHE.cmux(canTransfer, amount, TFHE.asEuint32(0));}